A partnership program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) makes it easier to save water and protect the environment by identifying high efficiency products that perform well. The WaterSense label was created to encourage manufactures to produce water efficient plumbing fixtures and to develop a system to help consumers recognize these products. that have been performance tested and validated by several agencies.
As members of the EPA’s WaterSense Steering Committee, TOTO water efficiency specialists advised the EPA on developing product performance criteria for the WaterSense program. TOTO products are recognized is part of the EPA’s National Environmental Achievement Track, the “gold standard” for facility-based environmental performance, recognizing environmental excellence by encouraging facilities with strong environmental records to go above and beyond legal requirements. TOTO is also a partner in the EPA’s innovative collaboration with the freight industry to increase energy efficiency while significantly reducing greenhouse gases and air pollution.
The EPA’s WaterSense® label identifies toilets that:
- Qualify as High Efficiency Toilets (1.28gpf or less).
- Have a minimum soybean paste flush score of 350 uncased grams.
- Meet the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Supplementary Pricing Specification regarding trim quality and tank volume.
- Have third party testing agencies conducting product performance testing and validation.