Water Savings
All aspects of TOTO’s business llustrate leadership in water technology and conservation. With innovations that always lead the industry, TOTO knows better than anyone the physics of how to move water. Put simply, this is why our toilets provide the best performance in the industry.
Three TORNADO FLUSH® technologies that eliminate waste with as little as 1.0 Gallon of water.
DYNAMAX TORNADO FLUSH® uses 100% of water to clean and rinse the bowl using a smaller amoujt of water more efficiently with a 2.5" trapway and quieter flush. Available in 1.0/0.9 GPF or 1.28/.08 GPF.
TORNADO FLUSH®: A state-of-the-art, hole-free rim design that offers dual-nozzel bowl cleansing, creating a centrifugal rinsing action that cleans the bowl more efficiently.
3-D TORNADO FLUSH®: Three powerful nozzles create a powerful centrifugal rinsing action and combines it with the conservation of 0.9 or 1.28 GPF.