Buy American Act
The intent of the AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT (ARRA) that President Barack Obama signed into law on February 17, 2009, is to reinvigorate our economy with new projects that put Americans back to work. There is also a provision in the act that invokes the BUY AMERICAN ACT, which will help bring more manufacturers into the process and thus compound the economic boost by allowing more industries to support new projects.
Qualifying TOTO Products for ARRA and BAA
TOTO USA, which has significant manufacturing operations outside of Atlanta, GA, offers over 1,000 products that meet the requirements of the ARRA and the BUY AMERICAN ACT (BAA) of 1933. Additionally, the BAA states that products from designated countries qualify as part of the recovery package. These countries include: World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement countries; Free Trade Agreement countries; Caribbean-Basin countries; or one of several "least developed" countries around the world.
Visit the US Government's Acquisition Central Website to review the clauses and approved countries in the BAA provision, which greatly expands product choices for builders and investors.
TOTOUSA.com provides all of the supporting files for each of the products in this list, including spec sheets, installation instructions, images and product features. Please call 888-295-8134 to ask about TOTO-compliant products, or use the list in TOTO's AARA/BAA Brochure and TOTOUSA.com to find ideal products for your project.
Download a PDF list of TOTO's compliant ARRA/BAA products.